Mental Health

Help is now available for building stronger leaders and teams

If you lead a team or are part of a work group that could use some great team building skills, this is the book for you!


Turtles and the truths they teach us

Nature has a lot to teach us. If we’re listening.

Lessons Mental Health Stories Wellness Wisdom Writing

Change is good…even when it hurts

Change is good. But sometimes it can be tinged with a gentle ache that perseveres even as we tell ourselves that the changes are all part of the natural progression of our lives.

Nature Wisdom

World Water Day asks us to think about the water we rely on

Canada has one-fifth of the world’s fresh water, a quarter of its remaining wetlands and its longest coastline – yet Canada is the only G8 country without legally enforceable drinking-water-quality standards at the national level. We need to do better.

Mental Health

I’ve got this

A few lessons learned about building civil and respectful teams and work environments.


Choosing the right length for your articles: The long and the short of it

The long and the short of what you need to do to make your story engaging, entertaining and valuable every word of the way.


Not so MightyWrite

As a writer, you never want to receive a draft back where your golden words are obliterated by revisions and comments. But it happens.


Give the interview your brand deserves

Occasionally, clients push back when I prod them for answers to questions I have about their story. I understand this psychology – sometimes we’re uncomfortable facing what’s difficult for us.

Mental Health

Global experts gather to talk about workplace mental health

There were many unforgettable “aha” moments from a circle of international leaders and advocates of workplace mental health. Note that the young “delegate” in the front just joined in for the photo. Our hope is that our work today benefits her generation.


Marketing and content … what’s strategy got to do with it?

Marketing uses content to achieve its objectives and deepen our relationship with customers. The goal of content in the modern world is to provide useful information that creates engagement and in most cases, an opportunity to interact with customers or followers in meaningful ways. Strategy is the bridge that brings the two together.


Tips and tricks real writers use to open more ears and eyes to your content

I admit there are some good writers out there who have little or no professional writing experience or training. But there’s still a case for hiring pros that know how to write content or stories that can rise above all the noise. In the end, the cost is likely not much different when you measure it against real, lasting results.

Nature Writing

Fly Away

The mist, the morning, the day, all emerging in their individual glory. It’s easy to miss. To be moving too fast off to the next thing and away from here. It is a rare gift to be still like this.


Why should you trust us?

It’s through building trust as much as relationships, that we’ve been able to help clients get to the finish line on large projects that demanded a professional approach.


What do you stand for?

When we decided to rebrand, we knew we were going to have to be clear on our values and principles. We ask that the people we work with do the same.


The power of the almighty word

Whatever approach you choose to use, content is still key. It’s the message and the words that hold the almighty power of converting potential clients into buyers.


What’s in a name?

I’m a great believer in the power of words to bring your message home. A logo on its own is a great thing but the positioning you put behind (or alongside) it can really help tell your bigger story.