A quiet new year’s evening with just the two of us was inspiration to think about where I’ve been and where I hope to go.

A quiet new year’s evening with just the two of us was inspiration to think about where I’ve been and where I hope to go.
I’ve been thinking a lot about home this past year – the home that lives in our hearts and for many of us, the place of belonging that shelters and welcomes us when we need it most. (Pssst…this is actually the main theme of a poetry collection I’m writing for release in 2024!) Over the […]
This past year as we’ve emerged from COVID isolation, I’ve been looking for opportunities to laugh more and generally just have more fun. This was a day when all I could do was laugh at myself.
Four simple words that have the power to carry us through almost anything. That is our wish for you at this time of year when we pause to appreciate all that we have. It is also a time when we may recognize that the gifts we take for granted aren’t the experience of many during […]
Our wish for you is that however you celebrate the Season, you have moments of joy, acceptance and appreciation for whatever you bring to the table…or the table brings to you!
For many hope is home…and home is hope.